Undersøgelse af hvordan de fysiske karakteristika af smertefulde informationer behandles i nervesystemet (Delforsøg 5)
Undersøgelse af hvordan de fysiske karakteristika af smertefulde informationer behandles i nervesystemet
Godkendt protokoltitel: Undersøgelse af temporal og spatial integration af smerteinformationer i det nociceptive system
Forskere fra Center for Neuroplasticity and Pain ved Aalborg Universitet ønsker at undersøge, hvordan menneskets krop reagerer på laserstimulationer. Vi ønsker at få viden om, hvordan vores sansesystem opfatter laserstimulationer, der ”tegnes” i forskellige retninger hen over huden.
Delforsøg 5 (to forsøgssessioner, varer hver ca. 3 timer): Vi påfører laser-stimulationer i forskellige retninger på f.eks. din underarm, ryg, mave eller dit lår. Undervejs vil der blive givet feedback på retningen stimulationerne.
Du kan deltage i forsøget, hvis du er rask, i alderen 18-70 år og taler og forstår engelsk.
Du kan ikke deltage, hvis du bl.a. er gravid eller har tatoveringer på de hudområder, hvor vi skal stimulere (underarm, mave og/eller lår).
Du modtager kr. 100 pr. time for din deltagelse i forsøget, Beløbet er skattepligtigt og bliver indrapporteret til Skat som B-indkomst. Bemærk venligst, at du skal have en gyldig arbejdstilladelse, hvis du kommer fra et såkaldt tredjeland.
Forsøget er godkendt af Den Videnskabsetiske Komité for Region Nordjylland, sagsnummer N- 20200087.
Er du interesseret, så ring eller skriv til:
Ahmad Rujoie, Ph.d-studerende
Integrative Neuroscience, Center for Neuroplasticity and Pain (CNAP)
Institut for Medicin og Sundhedsteknologi
Aalborg Universitet
Fredrik Bajers Vej 7D3
9220 Aalborg
Tlf.: 99409940
E-mail: ahru@hst.aau.dk
Investigation of how the physical characteristics of painful information are processed in the nervous system
(Subproject 5)
Investigation of how the physical characteristics of painful information are processed in the nervous system
Approved protocol title: Investigation of temporal and spatial integration of pain information in the nociceptive system
Researchers from Center for Neuroplasticity and Pain at Aalborg University wish to investigate how the human body reacts to laser stimulations. We would like to obtain knowledge on how the sensory system perceives laser stimulations that are “drawn” in different directions across the skin.
Subproject 5 (two experimental sessions, each lasts approx. 3 hours): We will apply different types of laser stimulations, e.g. on your forearm, back, abdomen, or thigh. During the experiment, you will receive feedback on the stimulations.
You can participate in the study if you are healthy, aged 18-70 years and speak/ understand English.
You cannot participate if you, among other things, are pregnant, and if you have tattoos in the stimulation body site(s) (forearm, abdomen and/or thigh).
You will receive DDK 100 per experiment hour as compensation for your participation in the experiment. The amount is liable to tax and will therefore be reported to the Danish tax authorities as B-income. Please note that you must have a valid work permit if you come from a so-called third country.
The experiment has been approved by The North Denmark Region Committee on Health Research Ethics, project number N-20200087.
If you are interested, please do not hesitate to contact:
Ahmad Rujoie, PhD Student
Integrative Neuroscience, Center for Neuroplasticity and Pain (CNAP)
Department of Health Science and Technology
Aalborg University
Fredrik Bajers Vej 7D3
9220 Aalborg
Phone: 99409940
Email: ahru@hst.aau.dk