Undersøgelse af virkningen af søvnforstyrrelser på kløe- og smertefølsomhed (delforsøg 1)
Undersøgelse af virkningen af søvnforstyrrelser på kløe- og smertefølsomhed (delforsøg 1)
Et forskerhold ved Center for Neuroplasticity and Pain (CNAP) på Aalborg Universitet ønsker at undersøge, hvordan kroppens følsomhed for kløe og smerte ændres, hvis man over tre nætter vækkes tre gange pr. nat.
Du kan deltage, hvis du er i alderen 18-60 år samt taler og forstår engelsk. Desuden skal du have adgang til en smartphone de nætter, hvor du skal vågne.
Du kan ikke deltage, hvis du har sygdomme i nervesystemet, huden, immunsystemet, muskelsystemet, hjertet eller psykiske sygdomme (psykiatriske diagnoser), der kan påvirke forsøgets resultater (fx. neuropati, muskelsmerter i arme angst, depression, skizofreni osv.), eller hvis du anvender medicin, der kan påvirke forsøget (f.eks. smertestillende medicin og antihistaminer).
Du vil skulle møde op til to forsøgssessioner adskilt af tre nætter. I disse tre nætter skal du hver nat vågne på tre forudbestemte tidspunkter. Du skal opholde dig hjemme hos dig selv i disse nætter. Du skal afsætte cirka 2 timer pr. forsøgssession. Ved hvert besøg udtager vi en blodprøve (9 ml pr. gang). I forbindelse med at vi undersøger dine smertemekanismer, vil du opleve kortvarig smerte. Du vil ligeledes opleve moderat til akut kløe på dine underarme, når vi undersøger din følsomhed for kløe. Vi vil også undersøge din følsomhed overfor forskellige temperaturer.
Du vil modtage kr. 150 pr. laboratorietime for din deltagelse i forsøgssessionerne. Beløbet er skattepligtigt og indrapporteres til SKAT som B-indkomst. Bemærk venligst, at du skal have en gyldig arbejdstilladelse, hvis du kommer fra et såkaldt tredjeland.
Forsøget er godkendt af Den Videnskabsetiske Komité for Region Nordjylland, sagsnummer N-20230028.
Er du interesseret, så ring eller skriv til:
Giulia Erica Aliotta, Postdoc
Institut for Medicin og Sundhedsteknologi
Mathematical Modelling of Knee Osteoarthritis
Aalborg Universitet
Selma Lagerløfs Vej 249
9260 Gistrup
E-mail: gea@hst.aau.dk
Investigation of the effects of sleep provocations on itch and pain sensitivity (sub-study 1)
Investigation of the effects of sleep provocations on itch and pain sensitivity (sub-study 1)
A research team at Center for Neuroplasticity and Pain (CNAP), Aalborg University, is conducting an experiment on the effect of three nights of fragmented sleep on pain and itch mechanisms.
We are looking for healthy volunteers aged 18-60 years who speak and understand English. Furthermore, you must have access to a smartphone on the nights where you are to wake up.
You cannot participate in the experiment if you, e.g., have any previous or current history of neurological, dermatological, immunological musculoskeletal, cardiac disorder or mental illnesses (psychiatric diagnosis) that may affect the results (e.g., neuropathy, muscular pain in the upper extremities, anxiety, depression, schizophrenia etc.), or currently use medications that may affect the trial such as antihistamines and pain killers.
The experiment takes place over two experimental sessions, separated by three nights. During each of these nights you are to wake up at three predetermined time points. You are to stay in your own home during the three nights. The experimental sessions will each last approx. 2 hours. At each session, we will take out a blood sample (9 ml of blood per session). You will experience short bouts of pain when we examine your pain mechanisms. Likewise, you will experience moderate to acute itch on your forearms when we examine your sensitivity to itch. We will also investigate your sensitivity to different temperatures.
nce moderate to acute itch on your forearms when we examine your sensitivity to itch. We will also investigate your sensitivity to different temperatures.
You will receive DKK 150 per laboratory hour as compensation for your participation in the experimental sessions. The compensation is liable to tax and will be reported to the Danish tax authorities as B- income. Please note that you must have a valid work permit if you come from a so-called third country.
The experiment has been approved by The North Denmark Region Committee on Health Research Ethics, project number N-20230028.
If you are interested, please do not hesitate to contact:
Giulia Erica Aliotta, Postdoc
Department of Health Science and Technology
Mathematical Modelling of Knee Osteoarthritis
Aalborg University
Selma Lagerløfs Vej 249
9260 Gistrup
Email: gea@hst.aau.dk